You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2009.


last saturday i’m very1000x hepi….coz i got a new phone..yeay!!!!!!!!!! all dis thanx to my oldest sister..i luv u soooo much..even i didn’y say it..but i do [ aku ni kn pemalu, susah nak luahkn isi ati.;p] i will always remember dis moment & i’m veru thankfull with what i have…thank u so much ya Allah, for giving me what i got today…..;)))))))


ok, pas neh studi leklok…dptkn result yg d best & paling gempak!!!!!!!!! i’ll try my best…insyaAllah..pasni jgn lpe blas jasa keluarge ye dilla joe..jgn jd kcg lpkn kulit…[mintak2 di jauhkn..] tkut sgt100x…jgn jd mcm tu tau…sntiasa igt smue pngorbnn yg mereka dh lakukn which is a lot!!!!!!!….ya Allah, berikan yg terbaik tuk ibu, bapa, kakak2 ku & adikku…amiiinnnnnnnn~


love my family sooooo damn much!!!! saranghae....xoxo

love my family sooooo damn much!!!! saranghae....xoxo


k smbung blk studi…nak discuss past year ngan nime..hehheheh *smpat lg blonggin’..;p

ps:25 april 2009- tarikh yg amat besejarah..aku mndpt ‘bnde tu’ stlah 2 lbn lbih menunggu….[igt gne duet sape!!!] hehhehe ;p

mlm neh xtaw r aku nk buat pe….cm dh xde bnde jer nak buat…tp bnyk gler ekceli nak buat…kne study PSM, tido[aku dh ngantuk bangat neh]…sbbnye kau xtido lg is aku ngah tnggu kapersky neh abes scan computer aku…bru 75% & counting….aku dh ngantuk dh neh…xtaw r…. arini exam PS..aku rse sgt mengong & my spirit kinda down..coz everything i memorize didn’t come out…aku xtaw dh nak jwap pe…jwp jer la pape yg patut…bantai jer..aku goreng tp cm x tmbh garam & gule jer…so x ckup rse….;(((( i did my best, all i can do is pray for d best….

ermmmm, aku rse cm nak tkr blog r…neh cm x menarik..x seswai ngan jiwer aku yg kreatif neh…hahhahahha tgk r klau aku rjin aku tkr r…klau x, gne jer la pe yg ade…;p

arini akak aku offer nak belikn aku hp di sbbkn aku sgt penat td pas exam..aku tlah menolak twrn tu…xpe2, jgn risau twrn tu sntiase di buke…haahha [i’m soooooo luckyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!…..weeeeeee~] tgk r sok cmne..aku dh x sbr nak ade hp bru neh…tp xde design bru r…aku ske laen dr yg laen…tp mb sbb ekonomi down, xde la hp design bru yg dikuarkn….tgk r cmne…ade rezki ade laaaaaaaaaa…….klau la exam PS neh pg…mmg sah2 aku akn merebut twrn tu tnpa b’fkir bnyk kali eventho isnin aku ade exam…huhuu *teruk btul manusia neh…;p


aku cm bosan r…xtaw nak buat peeeeeeeeeee…………..till next time…mb in a new blog host…who knows…wish me d best fo rmy exam…..;))))))))


aku ske memori aku buat kueh..xtaw nape…

eventho sgt penat [aku pernah pengsan ok time buat kueh]  tp aku sgt gembire….

skrang aku hepi gak, tp it’s not d same….i don’t know why???


time buat kueh rye...

time buat kueh rye...





i’ve wrap up my mind on d idea of doing my LI in Muar, & all of a sudden, dis afternoon my lctrr showed me dat i’ll be doing my LI in KLUANG… What???!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dun’t even know what to mind goes blank for a second & i feel like crying right there & right then…but i need to make things right, i cannot cry now….OMG, what i’m going to do…i’m gonna be all alone..i don’t even have place to stay…i have nobody in Kluang…OMG, please help me…i don’t know what to do….=(((((((((((

but luckily my lctrr see my sadness, she said she’ll try to ask whether Muar can take me or not…i think dis is just a misunderstanding..i don’t even ask for can they give me kluang…OMG!!!!!!! Oh, How I hope Muar take me…please, if not i don’t know what to do…i’m just praying sooo hard right now…i don’t even tell my mom yet, i keep holding on to a piece of hope dat i will be doing my LI in Muar…i don’t want to trouble her….Mak..cmne ni mak…. =(((((((((((

i keep crying but i know crying is not gonna help me solve dis problems.. beside i need to exam is juz around d corner…ya Allah, tlg la kuatkan hati ini…tlg la hambamu ini melalui dugaanMu ini…insyaAllah…i need to make my family proud, so dat they’ll feel all their sacrifice are worth it….they’ve sacrifice so much for me………rite now, u need to focus on ur study!!!!!!! things will happen the way it supposed to be..there’s always silver lining behind dark clouds….

prosperous year of 2009

April 2009

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