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this is not my masterpiece....hehehhe ;p

this is not my masterpiece....hehehhe ;p


kt atas ni gmbar macaroni salad yg aku t’ingin nak buat skrang ni…8 Feb 2009;1857 ;))))

apsal la pelik2 aku pnyer keinginan skrang ni…mungkin ni pengaruh perut aku yg sdg lpar…mals gler nak trun beli mknn…last2 aku gak yg lapar…..perut pun dh nyanyi lagu keroncong..[nyanyi la perut, smpai esok pg kot bru aku mkn…sian perut…] ni la resepi yg aku jmpe kt tenet…cuba jgn x cbe….


1 pound cups uncooked elbow macaroni
6 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
3 stalks celery, chopped
1 green or red bell pepper, chopped 
4 cups real mayonnaise
3 tablespoons prepared yellow mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon onion powder


1. Bring a pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add macaroni, and cook for 8 to 10 minutes, until tender. Drain, and set aside to cool.

2. In a large bowl, stir together the eggs, celery, and pepper.

3. In a small bowl, stir together the mayonnaise, mustard, pepper, salt and onion powder.

4. Combine in the bowl with the eggs and vegetables, and stir in macaroni until well blended.

5. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour before serving.

*apekejadahnye onion powder tu, i never heard of it eventhough aku ni ske gak la memasak..hahhah xpe, kte buang jer part tu from this recipe…sedap jugak kot nnti….huhuhuhu

suddenly i feel d urge to cook mac salad…pnyer la semangat aku google resipi bnde alah ni…senang jer nak buat rpenye…tp nak beli ingredient tu yg mlas tu..mb klau aku dh rjin nnti aku buat la salad ni….bleh x, exam mid sem is juz around d corner,aku plak tbe2 nak masak…apekejadahnye la aku ni… pun x abes lg…bnyk gler….xpe2, aku bleh buat….i’m gonna do my best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hwaiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*smbung blk study………………………..

howttttzzzzzzz gler my GDRAGON....waaaaaaaaa~

howttttzzzzzzz gler my GDRAGON....waaaaaaaaa~


this is my new found lurveeeeee [sarange Gdragon!!!!!!] aku admit la diorang ni xde la ensem bangat, tp ble diorang ni buat performance, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, syok abes….sgt macho+cool+hot=BIG BANG…..syok gler tgk diorang nyanyi…… ari2 aku mesti tgk vidoe diorang, klau x tgk haish xkeruan aku jadinye… i even know lyrics to their song…i can sing korean!!!!!!!!!!!..huhuhuhuhu

mle2 aku jmpe Big bang ni ialah ble kwnku m’prknlkn wonder girls..aku pun tgk la video2 clip wonder girls ni..tup..tup…aku jmpe la WG perform ngan Bing bang…sejak saat & ketika tu la aku jatuh cnta kt BIG BANG…waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! my BIG BANG…… aku nak upload video diorang perform tu, nak share la xleh plak…xpe la..nnti aku try lg…..huhuhuhuhu

BIG BANG ni group korea…member yg plg aku minat ialah GDRAGON eh jap2..dlu 1st time aku tgk big bang aku ske dae sung tp ble aku tgk bnyk2 kali..ermmmm, x menarik r dae sung ni, aku t’ske la plak kt Gdragon…..heheh die ni lawak glerrrrrrrrrrrr….pastu kreatif plak tu…die la ktue BIG BANG….die yg buat smue lgu2 tuk BIG BANG…dlu gigi Gdragon ni x brape nak lawa, tp sejak diorang meletopzzz lawa la plak gigi die…huhuh ye laaaaaa, org bnyk duet kn…..aku xkisah sbnrnye..aku akn ttp ske Gdragon & Big bang……BIG BANG 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)))))))

Gdragon oppa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sarangeeeee….I lurv u…..


ye eun, yubin, so hee, sun ye, sun mi

WONDER GIRLS from left: ye eun, yubin, so hee, sun ye, sun mi


”]from left; top, yubin, dae sung & ye eun [my fav couple..i wish they were dating in real life]”]B to the I to G [bang...bang]

prosperous year of 2009

May 2024

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