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neh la xtvt2 yg aku dh buat spnjg mnggu lpas…1st week of my LI…

1st day msuk, my pzm dh soal siasat aku dh..rse cm duk blai polis jer…huhuh *xde r maen2 jer, smue org baek ekceli

aku neh duk t’kbil2 nk jwp..

aku tau jwpnnye, it’s in my head, tp xleh nk kuar plak….nerbes sgt kot..

xpe la, skrang neh dh ok dh….

mb die nk test aku, ye la i’m from UKM..should have strong base….hehhehe

meh kte tgk ape yg aku buat spnjg mnggu lpas….

ni xtvt pertama aku..ari rbu, bg ceramah kt sek psal pmknn seimbang..

bg kt bdak2 drjh 1-3, ntah dpt ntah x ape yg aku smpaikn..


sgt b'dedikasi m'beri ceramah...;p

sgt b'dedikasi m'beri ceramah...;p

ade la sorang bdak neh, drjh 6..kiut gler…klau dh bsor sure ensem, m’jadi rebutn rmai…hahhaha *sempat lgi aku neh, bdak2 pun nak…hahhaha


bdak yg tepi skali, bju biru pengawas....;p

bdak yg tepi skali, bju biru pengawas....;p

then, ari khamis ade ceramah tuk ibu mengandung, psal pmknn tuk m’cegah anemia…

ceramah neh laen mcm ckit, kte kne tarik org msuk blik ceramah neh..

klau dpt tarik rmai ibu m’ngandung rmai la yg akn dgor ceramah..

yg bestnye, ade staf nurse sia msak lg..ape lg pas ceramah kterang mkn la mskn tu…hehhehe


sorang pun sorang la...ttp b'dedikasi..;p

sorang pun sorang la...ttp b'dedikasi..;p

dlm gmbot neh jer sorang..pas akak neh, aku ade bg lg ceramah kt org laen…x ambik gmbor plak…

then ari jumaat, pzm, aku n sorang dak ums g ke plkn sembrong..

m’cbar gler jln nk g kem neh..b’bukit bukau…sbor jer la…


1st time g kem plkn..huhuh

1st time g kem plkn..huhuh

all in all, 1st week aku sgt bz…& penat…gler r, ari2 aku tdo kul 9…awal gler..x smpt nk tgk cter pape..huuhu baring jer trus lena di ulit mimpi…but i like it like that…aku x ske klau xde keje, busan…alhamdulillah…setakat neh ok….best!!!!!!! hopefully it will continue to be like this….!!! tp kadang2 busan..;p!!! tp kadang2 busan..;p

cdih gler arini, dh berbaldi2 air mte ak nanges dr start msuk keje, smpai skrang (1516) tp kne than gak sbb pg td nk msuk keje…x manis la plak kn klau msuk keje mte aku merah cm jin jer….tu dh than dh air mte, still berbaldi2..klau x thn xtaw r brape bnyk….abes banjer bndr muor neh kot…huhuhu *mmg cengeng btul r aku neh..;p  nseb  baek la xde pape….aku t’lnggar kete dpan aku…so, mmg slh aku pun..nk buat cmne…dh b’slah kne ngaku..t’pksa la aku byar gnti rugi..msalahnye bkn aku, mak aku yg akn byr…xpun akak aku..aku neh asyik nyusahkn diorang jer..tu yg aku sdih tu, aku bkn cdih sbb accident, aku cdih sbb aku nyusahkan mak & akak aku….ape la aku neh…cuai btul….. well, i guess people learn from their mistakes…pasneh aku akn b’hati2 & jadi pemandu yg b’hemah…insyaAllah……..


neh la gmbo kete yg accident tu…

ckit jer ekceli…kne ketuk ckit, bg ok blk….

sorry r dek, ko btulkn sndri eh, ko kn bnyk duet…hehehhe ;p



satria adek...

satria adek...

today is my 1st day doing my LI…ermmm,nothing much happen….just briefing about d situation & what i’m supposed to do…everything & everyone is nice…but i don’t know why, i’m feeling so down today…seriously, i don’t know why….i feel like i wanna cry, i think i’ll be better once i cried…i just wanna do well…& i think i let myself down today, mb dats why i felt sooo down today…. 


2morrow is a brand new day..hopefully everything will be better & my motivation will come….mum & dad, nun..thank u sooo much!!!!!!!!!!!! i love u all (someday i’ll make u proud)…(T_T)…;)))))))

prosperous year of 2009

May 2009

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